The Churning of the New

A lot of stuff is going on. Walk4Water Tacoma just completed to great success, raising an estimated $4000 for wells, and having the most walkers of any satellite Walk4Water event. We are proud of the Tacoma group, and proud to have been able to help out.

Unfortunately, some pretty severe medical emergencies kept us from completing our West Coast tour. We had planned stops through California, Oregon, Washington, Idaho, and other places. We were sad about missing all of you. I hope that we will be able to arrange something even bigger and better soon.

This week, we are heading to Little Rock for the Transmillennial Conference, and will be playing all weekend. Last year, it was at a castle, and we had to back our trailer down an almost-abandoned fire road. This year, I imagine the roads will be smoother. But there is no telling what kind of adventures we might get into.

And, just to warn you. We might be a little quiet for the next little while. We are working on something amazing. Something so amazing, we may not be able to handle it. Something that is taking all of our energy and creativity and strength. Something that may cause us to collapse under the sheer massive-ness of it.

When we are done, you will know what we mean. (Or we will be massive failures). Either way, it's not fair to you to devote anything less than our full attention to it. So that's what we will be doing.

And, we would love to hear any words of encouragement or inspiration you have to offer. Just email us, and let us know what is wonderful in your world.