Biking Across America

Gabe's Last Day - Biking Across America Completed

In 43 days, Gabe has biked over 3000 miles - from Virginia Beach to Seattle, Washington - the entire width of the continental US. And he did it to raise money and awareness for MS.

There were many adventures along the way, and a lot of crazy experiences, so watch all of the trip videos to get the complete story.

And don't forget to donate to MS here!

Wolves, Squid, and The Great Divide


Don't forget to donate to MS here!

Gabe Rides Again

On days 30-34, some friends come out and bike through Wyoming with Gabe. Also, some cave drawings, and the city of dead cars.

Donate to MS here.

Gabe's biking days 25-29

Gabe hits 65 mph on a bike! Sees some Buffalo! Gets on TV! Goes to Wal-Drug! Becomes a film star! Lives the American dream!

Taking a Mineral Bath at the World's Most Eccentric Hotel

Gabe is on days 20-24 of biking across America, and decides to stop in at a slightly different hotel for a mineral bath. Oh, and he runs over a swarm of grasshoppers.

Donate to MS here.


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